I just signed up for VodaHost web hosting exactly one week ago. I have never made a website in my life, and other than knowing generally what html is, I have heard of php before etc… I had NO experience with web design or the technical details of how exactly things are published online.

In one week, I have created what I consider to be a very nice website for my business. I learned how to do a few things that would probably be nearly impossible if I was using some type of freeware or another DIY option. For example, I have easily put flash elements, video files, a cool thing that shows your images small and when you click on it they show up full size in the middle of the screen ( i think they call this feature ‘lightbox’ ) and, most impressive, a really cool contact form that has some advanced features like a scroll down menu for people to choose how they found your site and a checkbox to signify the answer to a question. Granted, I really studied the video tutorials offered on vodahost.com and i patiently took the time to learn how to make that advanced form i mentioned. But, LITERALLY, I signed up last Saturday afternoon, and it is now late Friday night one week later. ONE WEEK!

The only issue I personally have had was very small, and I submitted a support ticket to deal with it. It took one day for them to reply, and another few days to fix the problem. Considering what I am getting for about $5.50 per month ( I paid for 3 yrs in advance ) I think their response time fixing my issue was fantastic!
I am taking the time to write this lengthy review because I feel like this website is skewed with negative reviews. While I understand where these comments are coming from, I really believe these particular users were either expecting way too much or were not prepared to really be in charge of making and publishing their own site. (One serious example is the reviewer who said they had a server crash and all his files and hard work were lost…WELL why didn’t this guy save his original files, then he could have just published them again when the server problem was fixed…it really shouldnt matter if his files ONLINE were lost, you are supposed to save your original files (on your computer hard drive) as well.
I mean, if you can’t think about saving your original files (AND backing up a second copy of everything on an external drive or something) then you really should not be trusting your website in your own hands.
Don’t blame VodaHost for that, that’s just ridiculous.
However, if you have the ability to learn new things fairly well, if you are a patient person, not easily agitated, and you (most importantly, I feel) are REALLY prepared to do your own web design AND publishing and are REALLY prepared to put the time in to learn the basics of how you can do this, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND VODA HOST.
If you make a decision based on a few people who had negative experiences with a fairly new (and undoubtedly GROWING) company, you may just miss out on a great solution to your web dilemma. I know I am really grateful (after one week) that I took a chance on Voda (and I, unlike some of the reviewers here, DID DO MY RESEARCH- I was well aware that some previous clients were disgruntled…but i was also well aware that many more were satisfied).